Saturday, January 1, 2011

Word of the Year.

At the beginning of 2010 I came across several blogs that had the wonderful idea of choosing a word as a theme for the year. I loved this idea, but I never picked a word because nothing seemed to stick. I thought of a lot of different words to signify our life as a family, but nothing really rang true. 
This year is different for me. Over the last few months the same word keeps coming to mind and I feel that 2011 will be my year of...


I have very little of it. 
I want things right now. A solution right this minute. I want an instant outcome. I don't like to wait. When I don't like the way things are going I want it to change right then and there.
I'm not proud of my lack of patience and I truly want to improve.

I want to have more patience with Brett. We are two very different people who move at different paces and with that comes some conflict. I need to learn to be more patient with him as we come to a compromise, which sometimes takes more time than two minutes.

I need to have patience with my boys. I'm finding that being a stay at home mom of two young boys is not so easy and it requires more patience than I ever imagined.

I need to have patience when I go outside of my house, and the checker isn't fast enough, or the lady in front of me isn't driving quickly enough. I need to slow it down and be patient.

I need to be patient when it comes to losing the baby weight. I would have loved for all of it to melt off with little effort these last four months, but that's just not going to happen. It's going to take some time and work,  and as much as I would love to be wearing my old jeans right now, it's just not going to happen for awhile. 

I need to have more patience in my daily routine. I'm always looking ahead and planning in order to be on top of the next curve ball that is thrown my way. Instead I need to relax and be patient, and trust that everything will work out in the end, planned or not.

I need to have patience in knowing that God has a plan for me and I don't get to know it. When I don't understand why certain things are taking place, I need to be patient in knowing the outcome will result in what is best for me and my family.

My hope for the year 2011 is that I will grow into a better more patient person (and possibly a little smaller too).

Happy 2011!


Gee said...

I like it!! Trying to think of a word for myself right now!! HMMMMMMM!! I'll let you know when I do!! We had a sermon today...even though we know there will be unexpected things, events, etc. in our lives in 2011...remember...God is in control!!
Love you!!

Aunt Pam said...

I was just catching up on all of your latest them all. You are doing a fabulous job at making a wonderful home for Brett and your boys. I'll pray for you to be happy, healthy and of course, patient ;)
p.s. I think you look MAH-VA-LOUS!!