Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful on Paper. {Week 2}

This week I am thankful for my Aunt Pam.
I have a lot of aunts, seven to be exact, but I am by far the closest to Pam and always have been. 

She is the kindest, most giving and selfless person I know. 
I am thankful for her because she has been a wonderful example of how to serve and give to others.
Many times in my life I have watched her put herself aside in order to care of someone else's needs.
She selflessly cares for my Uncle Jimbo, who has downs syndrome, and always puts him and his needs first.
It's not an easy job and I'm thankful that her (and my mom too) are able and willing to do so.

I'm also thankful that she has been a part of every event in my life. She's been to every birthday party, prom, shower, you name it, willing to help and share in the moments.

I'm thankful in knowing she will be by my side, day or night, if I need her.

I'm extremely thankful that she loves my boys tremendously. She loves them as if they were her own grand kids, and they love her back just as much. Jacob just doesn't know it yet.

I'm thankful that God has given me such a wonderful Aunt to share my life with.
Thank you Aunt Pam for being you.


grey rose (they/them) said...

What a blessing to have such a strong example in her!
Super sweet:) thanks for sharing!

Aunt Pam said...

Well, gee whiz! How do I answer that but to say thank you right back for being you. You know I would do anything for you girls or your kids...I love you to pieces my little neices ;)

Unknown said...

What a blessing Aunts are. I wouldn't be without some of mine.
Thanks so much for sharing and have a beautiful day :)

Gee said...

Just a happy smile...enough said!! :)