Monday, January 30, 2012

A Lovely Day.

Some days are rough.
Some days I seriously wonder why I've chosen to stay home.
Some days I'm tired of the arguing, the laundry, the mess.
Some days I feel like ripping my hair out.

Then I have a day like today.
A good, fairly easy, calm day.
Where the arguments are few, the laundry is tolerable and the mess doesn't bother me.
 A day where we can do whatever we want, enjoying the time we get to spend with one another.
Days like today I don't want to forget.
I want to keep them at the forefront of my mind at all times.
Because in the end they make all the rough ones not so bad after all.

I'm linking up here for the last "life made lovely monday".


Gee said...

These are the days that make it all worthwhile!! I'm so glad that today went so well!! :)

The Olive Tree Blog said...

it is hard work being a mama sometimes! I tease all the time it might be easier for me to work...The house would stay clean and we would have double the income and then I realized I have just taken all the joy out of my day:)

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Oh yes, days like that are wonderful. Especially when the laundry is tolerable. ;)

Emily Ann Wilson said...
